Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ever thought Anti-Aging was possible!? Now it is! To check out the website and see if it fits you, click on the picture of the creme above! 

- Strong Libido
- Fat burning
- Muscle mass
- Blood Pressure

- Eases PMS symptoms
- Blood clot protection
- Benign growth protection

- Tissue repair
- Cell Replacement
- Brain function
- Skin Health

Estriol Skin Cream
- Moisturizing
- Glossy eyes
- Clarity of mind

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Testosterone Supplemental Report

I’m not sure if you’ve ever thought about getting leaner and losing a little around the middle, but reading this short report is a good way to start.

How can you learn how to predict muscle gain and lose some weight?

If you’ve ever, ever wondered what’s a good predictor of what works to get you thinner or for you to get more lean muscle in your arms, this REPORT will give you the “nitty gritty” on that!

Here’s a little secret for you.

If you can get a measure of your Testosterone, (let’s call it your (t) levels for short) when you wake up,… you’re going to have a very good indicator of yourlean muscle mass and how your muscles will react in reference to your workout that day.

Here’s my question.Why not KNOW (within a reasonable doubt) where your levels are at and how you’re going to respond that day to working out?

FALLACY:Although women may think the hormone Testosterone (t) is the cause of all that ails male/female relationships, the fact of the matter is- that this hormone called Testosterone (t) facilitates and drives traits like muscle growth and musclestrength, plus, on top of that, they enhance the competitive ability in humans and in other mammals.

Now what does all that mean to you?

Let’s make it as simple as possible.

A recent study looked at the relationships between some different criteria. Waking and pre-bed salivary Testosterone (t) and adiposity, fat-free mass(FFM), arm muscle area(AMA), and even grip strength(GS) in a large, young, population-based, adult Filipino males (21-23 years of age).

That may not mean much to you, but here’s a summary of what this really means to you. They found that higher waking Testosterone (t) predicted in the person, the higher the FFM, AMA and GS among the active individuals that were tested. The more Testosterone (t) they had in the morning, the better the person’s workout and results!!

They found that Testosterone (t) was positively related to adiposity (FAT) in these lean young males, - suggesting that their energy status might help regulate their circulating Testosterone (t).

So again, what does this mean to you?This study proves that the pre-waking rise in Testosterone (t) is a strong determinant of your energy for the day and how your strength will respond to repeated muscular use, whatever that may be, THAT DAY. So having a high Testosterone (t) level early in the morning is important.

This is one of the big reasons we suggest you use a Testosterone (t) crème before you go to bed, so it can work while you sleep and you can wake up with a higher Testosterone (t) level.

We also know that there’s more to Testosterone (t) than BIG BICEPS.

Now I’m sure if you’re over 40, but here’s something else they found out. Other work that’s been researched suggests that Testosterone (t) or other androgens may play a therapeutic in helping hypertension, erectile dysfunction, prostatic ischemia, or other vascular dysfunctions. This is a big step when it comes to getting healthier if you have or could have these problems in the future..

Older Men and Transdermal Testosterone

They knew that young men had lots of Testosterone (t), but they wanted to find out what would happen if older, more frail men were given transdermal Testosterone (t), a crème applied to the skin of the person.

The results were better than expected.

The effects of six months of Testosterone (t) treatment in intermediate-frail and frail elderly men when talking about muscle mass, strength, physical function, and quality of life were very good.

When the individuals that were tested were given six months of Testosterone (t) that had some major changes.

Now don’t forget. These men were normal before and anyone over the age of 30 starts to diminish in Testosterone (t) levels, so they were deficient for a long time.

“The Test”

There were 274 subjects. They were randomized and half of them used transdermal Testosterone (t) crème and the other half a placebo gel. They did this for an entire 6 months.

Here’s the results.

· Isometric knee extension peak torque IMPROVED in the Testosterone (t) group (versus the placebo group) at six months.

· Lean body mass INCREASED in the Testosterone (t) group (versus the placebo group) at six months.

· FAT MASS decreasedsignificantly in the Testosterone (t) group (versus the placebo group) at six months.

And more importantly, the tests proved that physical function could improve dramatically among older and frailer men, just by using a transdermal Testosterone (t) creme.

So in a nutshell, Testosterone (t) pretty much helped these older men by IMPROVING their body composition and enhancing their quality of life.

We know that acute exerciseenhances the use of transdermal hormones and increases the metabolism in the skeletal muscle of both sexes.

So exercise is something that you need to do at least three or four times a week, every week if you want to get the most out of these hormone cremes.

They’ve proven that combining exercise with Testosterone (t) administration is astrength and muscle building dynamic duo.

If you’re over 30 and you’re ready to get started, talk to either the doctor or the receptionist. These crèmes from West Coast Anti Aging are phenomenal and they’re easy to use and you’ll start to feel the results.

The rest is up to you. Everyday you wait is one day you’re stressing your body because of your low levels of Testosterone (t).